Liquid oxygen (O2) is characterised by light-blue colour.
Oxygen is used in many areas, i.e. it serves as important gas in medicine, irreplaceable when processing all types of metal, production of glass and in many fields of chemical industry. Liquid oxygen is also widely used in aviation and underwater navigation industry.
Oxygen is obtained from the atmospheric air by dividing it into composite parts.
The clients buying a considerable amount of oxygen are supplied with special storage tank for the product and liquid oxygen is delivered with semitrailers.
Fields of industry:
When in contact with other substances, liquid oxygen can cause their fragility. Oxygen creates a flame of extremely high temperature for cutting and welding various metals in burners and increases temperature when producing ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
Glass and rock-wool production
Oxygen increases the effectiveness of incineration process when melting glass and producing rock-wool.
Liquid oxygen is widely used in mixtures with liquid hydrogen or paraffin as the oxidiser of rocket fuel. When using oxygen in rocket engines, high relative impulse is obtained during oxidation.
Oxygen is used in commercial and military planes for filling respiration systems as well as in remote oxygen supply systems.
Chemical industry
As extremely active gas, oxygen is used for creation of various chemical compounds, such as nitrogen acid, propylene oxide, ethylene oxide, etc. In waste incineration furnaces, oxygen increases the effectiveness of burning.
Fish farming
Oxygen is used in closed recirculation fish farming systems and open water bodies in order to saturate water with oxygen. Oxygen is also used for keeping and transporting fish in water storage tank.

The increase of oxygen concentration by just a few percentage points causes a risk of fire. The sparks that are usually considered as non-hazardous may cause fires, whereas the substances that are non-combustible in the air, including the substances used for the protection from fire, can be highly combustible or even flame up spontaneously in the air filled with oxygen. More information on safe handling of oxygen is provided in the material safety data sheet.