Propane (C3H8) is combustible, colourless and non-toxic gas obtained by processing oil products or natural gas.
Propane is used as a source of energy in domestic and industrial cylinders (in case of effective burning, it maintains the need for energy). The calorific value of propane per 1 kilogram of gas is higher than of acetylene, however, its initial flame extracts lower part of heat. Flame temperature is lower and the required amount of oxygen is approx. 4 times higher than in case of use of acetylene.
Propane gas is used to fill in red coloured cylinders used in industry.
We offer to purchase propane in:

- 50 l cylinders (po 21 kg);
- 79 l cylinders(po 33 kg);
- Excise fuel in cylinders for forklifts: 27 l cylinders (11 kg) and 46 l cylinders (19 kg).
Fields of industry:
Propane is used as fuel burnt in oxygen environment (for example, when performing welding, cutting, soldering, soldering with solid solder, heating, cutting with flame processes).
Excise fuel in cylinders for forklifts.
Propane is used as thermal energy in heaters of industrial or other buildings (with no possibility of electrical heating). This gas is also used for heating terraces.
Construction and road works.
Propane is widely used for construction works, metal cutting, heating and smelting, piping works, connection and soldering of cables. Propane is also used for heating and drying road coats and their surfacing with concrete.

Propane is explosive when its concentration in the air amounts to 2.2-9.5%. Propane is denser than the air, therefore, leaking gas moves down and push out the air causing a considerable danger of explosion or suffocation. In order to avoid health risks, it is recommended to download the material safety data sheet and observe provided instructions.