Helium (He) is colourless, odourless, tasteless, non-reacting and especially light-weight inert gas. Helium evaporation and boiling point is the lowest of all elements, therefore, liquid helium is an ideal cooling substance where especially low temperature is necessary.
This gas is usually known as the filler of party balloons that are rising to the sky, however, helium is also important in metal processing, chemistry and pharmacy fields. It is used in under-water diving equipment gas mixtures.
The major part of helium molecules are present in the atmosphere, however, its concentration is only about 5 parts per million. For this reason, obtaining of helium molecules directly from the air is simply impractical, and, for commercial use, helium is extracted from natural gas deposits, where its concentration is much higher. Unfortunately, the resources of helium, same as other non-renewable natural resources, are decreasing.
Helium is filled in brown coloured cylinders.
We offer to purchase helium gas in:

- 5 l cylinders (0,91 m³, 200 bar);
- 10 l cylinders (1,8 m3, 200 bar);
- 20 l cylinders (3,7 m3, 200 bar);
- 50 l cylinders (9,1 m3, 200 bar);
Fields of industry:
Helium is used as a medium of inert gas preventing from oxidation when welding various metals (steel, aluminium, copper, magnesium).
Air balloons/aviation
Helium has over 92.64% of hydrogen lifting power, however, is safer than hydrogen, because it is non-flammable.
In order to protect semi-conductors and soldering processes from impurities and oxidation, helium is used in the production of electronic parts.
Other fields of use
Helium and oxygen mixtures are used in under-water diving equipment and submarines. Helium gas pushes out oxygen, thus, facilitating the respiration. The gas is used for detecting cracks and holes in high-pressure and vacuum systems. Helium is also used in the production of optical fibres of telecommunication cables.

If helium pushes the oxygen necessary for breathing out of the air, it causes asphyxia (suffocation). Liquid helium can cause cryogenic frostbites. In order to avoid health risks, it is recommended to download the material safety data sheet and observe provided instructions.