In case of need of technical gases, it is important to choose special gas tanks for their storage and transportation. “Gaschema” offers to rent various sizes of cylinders fitted to different technical gases, cylinder bundles, dewars, cryogenic vessels (euro-cylinders) for transportation and stationary containers of liquefied technical gases. All gas containers are periodically tested according to the regulations of installation and safe maintenance stipulated by the laws.
Gas cylinders
We rent various sizes and types of gas cylinders fitted for storage and transportation of technical and specialty gases characterised by different properties as well as low-temperature liquefied gases.
Advantages of the use of gas cylinder – convenient transportation and compact design, because the content of gas is sufficient for performance of many small works in the areas of metal welding, processing and other fields of industry.
Oxygen, nitrogen, argon, hydrogen and helium gases are pressed with 120-200 bar pressure in gas cylinders. Seamless cylinders fitted to high-pressure are produced of steel and aluminium, therefore, they sustain such pressure. Due to its properties, acetylene should be stored in cylinders produced by using a porous mass that prevents the gas from splitting. Cylinders with different technical gases are marked according to requirements of standard LST EN 1089-3. (2 figures) All “Gaschema” gas cylinders are technically tested and reliable.
Gas cylinder bundles
If gas consumption is more intensive in your production or work processes and it is inconvenient to change gas cylinders each time, we can provide gas in cylinder bundles (12 cylinders by 50 l). The gas cylinders used in this way are fitted in a frame and connected to a single collector. Automatic and semi-automatic gas supply system is fitted together. In case of shortage of gas inside the bundle, the second bundle is automatically switched for continuous supply of gas. Nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, argon, argon and carbon dioxide mixtures, nitrogen and carbon dioxide mixtures and acetylene gas are supplied in gas cylinder bundles.
Liquid gas supply stations
If the clients need considerable amount of gas and this need is rapidly increasing, an effective solution is installation of liquefied technical gas station in the production territory in order to increase and maintain the production. Liquefied carbon dioxide, argon, nitrogen and oxygen can be stored in the storage tanks.
Based on the production volumes and amount of consumed gas, we will choose the most rational types of storage tanks and sizes and will install the optimum equipment for the supply of gas in the necessary production facilities.
In order to ensure continuous and convenient logistics, the following parameters should be considered for the selection of the size of storage tank:
- daily/monthly consumption of gas;
- distance to client’s production unit.
Liquefied gas is delivered to vacuum-insulated gas storage tanks by specialised “Gaschema” semitrailers.
When using gas, liquid is evaporated and gas is supplied to necessary equipment through the pipeline. Gas evaporator is used for effective evaporation process, therefore, liquefied gas obtains a gaseous consistency. The type of evaporator (fan-type, atmospheric, electric or combined) is selected according to the consumer’s needs. Usually, the atmospheric evaporator that uses solar energy is sufficient, however, in case of use of carbon dioxide, a combined evaporator is built that uses electricity power during winter. When installing liquefied gas system, reducers, filters, safety valves and faucets are fitted and stainless-steel pipelines are installed according to the pressure demands.
In case of use of liquefied gas in the production process, it is supplied directly from the storage tank via vacuum-insulated cryogenic pipeline. The necessary pressure of stored liquid is ensured through automatic control system.
In case of installation of liquefied gas station, we will also make sure of its maintenance and safe filling in due time, because gas monitoring is performed by using telemetric system.
Containers for storing dry ice
Containers for dry ice are special isothermal boxes that maintain low temperature and protect cargo from external environment. Such boxes are used for storage and transportation of dry ice. Subject to the need, such isothermal containers can maintain necessary temperature up to 120 hours without additional source of energy.
We rent isothermal containers of the capacity of 35, 200 and 400 kg